Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Final Questions

As my Business and Legal FOSS Class heads into its last 2 weeks of this semester, we've been called to come up with some reflective questions to answer about the course.

Here's some questions I came up with:

  1. Are there any changes you would suggest making to the profile template?  What parts did you find most interesting or important?
  2. If you could have spent more time, say an extra week, on any topic, which would you have liked to cover more in depth?
  3. If you could have spent less time on any topic, which would you have said could be shortened?
  4. What was your favorite assignment, or at least, which did you find to be the most crucial to the class?
  5. What was your least favorite assignment, or which did you find to be the least important for the class?
I'm gonna miss this class :(

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